(Dream sequence): A glow can be seen in the distance, Raven: “what
is it, I can’t see it well. BeastBoy can yo- – BeastBoy where are
you” she cried into the dark, “Robin! Starfire! Cyborg!…” the
glow becomes slightly clearer, it is a capsule, something can
barely be seen inside. The glow becomes brighter and brighter until
finally a whiteout.(End sequence.)
“Gaah!” Raven wakes up, sweating heavily. “*Sigh*” #It was
only a dream.#.
She looks around her dimly lit room for a while, contemplating how
she always shrouds herself in darkness to hide the vulnerable girl
underneath. She puts up an act to seem emotionless, just part of
massive training she had undergone for years. She hides her true
emotions because her training had led her to believe emotions get
in the way of battle. Yet she yearns to show how much she cares
about things, people. her friends. She gets out of bed and looks
into her mirror and looks at her hair. She had been tossing and
turning so much during her sleep that her glimmering purple hair is
frizzled. She gets a comb out of her drawers and brushes her hair.
Raven thinks to herself: “I need to catch up on my spell casting.”.
She goes through her closet for her usual black skintight suit and
cloak and changes into them. She puts the hood over her face then
grabs her book and heads out of her room to the hangout.
As she was walking down the hall she could already hear BeastBoy
and Cyborg fighting over their video game. #Them and their video
games# she laughs to herself. “You really should not fight each
other!” shouted Starfire. Robin butts in: “C’mon Star its not like
they’re gonna kill each other.” “I’M GONNA KILL YOU!!!” Cyborg
called out with flying fists.
BeastBoy: “WHAAAAHH!!” *THUD*
“_ Ow ow ow ow ow.” Starfire: “Please stop fighting!”
“#Well it can’t hurt to skip a day of reading.#” Raven
thought to herself. She sat down and pretended to read
although she was really paying attention to the commotion in
front of the TV. “#This is the life.#” *CRACKLE! * Starfire:
“Waahh!” “Calm down Star its just a little thunder.” Robin
said. It had just started raining
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