Teen Titans Porn Story: Of Rain and Silence Chapter 1
Author: Anegel Miyu P. Trinton
Disclaimer: Teen Titans is owned by WB…but if it was mine Starfire would be bashed in every single episode…don’t hurt
me! I just don’t like perkiness.
Author’s Note: I love Raven’s character, so I just had to write a fic about her. hehe she’s practically my hero. Seriously,
though, her history hasn’t been mentioned in the series yet [although I love her featured episode, Nevermore. Happy
Raven scared the crap outta me.._] so I decided to just write it…and when her history IS explained in the series,
don’t shoot me for getting it all wrong…*has bulletproof vest* I don’t know who I’ll pair her up with yet, so you
ever-so-wonderful readers’ll have to vote for it…I’m leaning towards Raven/Beast Boy, but I haven’t seen any