Starfire Raced Across the Land but not of her own free will, she had just been hit by Slade’s Bomb along with Raven and Robin. She flew hard and hit a car, crushing it. Robin and Raven slid to a stop on the Ground as Cyborg Ran up and Started fighting Slade. Left, Right, Kick, Jumping Roll and too slow. Slade picks him up and throws him into a wall. «You Titians should really think about getting Day Jo-» Slade is thrown into the air by Beast boys Dinosaur Form. He falls and A Fight between Him and Robin Ensues. The Two Draw there Staffs and attack, loud chinks and clanks are heard as they jump, dodge, and roll to avoid getting injury.
«We already have jobs Slade!» Robin Yells as He delivers a Pummeling Blow that Slade could not block and blows dust up from the ground. He is then thrown up into the air by A Blast from Raven and Hit by a Cyborg Blast of Energy from his Arm Cannon. All this Send him flying into the Darkness.
«The Job of seeing you out of here.» Robin finishes off with Style.
«Most good Robin! Now may we eat the Meat?» Starfire said
«Yeah sure Star, wait, what meat?» Inquired Robin,
«Meat?» Said Beast Boy.
«She must mean my BBQ, ZZQ, Meaty-Mc-Meat Steak!»
«AAAAAAH!» Beast boy said,
«Yes!. Let us Eat of Meat as I am Hungrier then a Glophhot in Heat!» Said Starfire.
«Sure, Sounds good» Agreed Robin. «Sounds good,» Raven Said.
They all Traveled back to the infamous HQ of the Teen titans, a Giant T.
«I’ll Start up the Grill Ya’ll!» Cyborg yelled as he burst into the main Room of the Tower, complete with Tv, Kitchen, Couch’s and Bar. Starz and HBO Cost Extra.
Raven Waltz over to the Tv to watch once e again Robin own Beast Boy in Super Mega Robot Killziods 3, The best in the Series.
«Slade got away again» Raven said
«Of course, he wont ever really go away for a while, hes to…»
«Like you?»
«Don’t ever compare me to him.» Robin Snapped.
«I’m just saying…»
Raven’s words went unheard as robin walked away and retreated into his room for who knows what. He turns on his stuff and begins to work.
«Slade struck west of bold-river road and east of the library, maybe hes looking to steal something there? No, nothing to be gained, too simple. But what if its in the air? Or the ground? Maybe a giant drill could drill into magma, no why would he want that?»