Teen Titans Porn Story: Crazy Little Thing Chapter 1
Disclaimer: Okay, lets get the ground rules set.
I do NOT own these characters. Marv Wolfman, of whom I am
eternally indebted to for creating Lex Luthors more modern persona, and George
Perez, of whom Im not exactly sure I know what I owe him, but its probably
going to be my livelihood if I dont put this here.
Sadly, I also dont own Queen. If I did I would make them
buy me something. Maybe all their CDs. Or at least Roger Taylor. So he can
perform all his songs for me. Yes, Roger Taylor, you will indeed be my slave!
I also dont own SF2 or any other game involved with the
Street Fighter Tournament of 2004. Nor any of the participants.
This time I owe Queen big time for inspiring me with the
song: Crazy Little Thing Called Love.