Teen Titans Porn Story: Teen Titans Worlds Greatest Chapter 1
Two Atlanteans were swimming in the Carribean one day. It sounds like the setup for a fantastical racial joke, but it actually happened. The Carribean had long been a secondary base of operations for Atlantis ever since the days of piracy. These two Atlanteans were searching for a downed submarine belonging to the Atlantis Researcher’s Guild. It went offline several days ago, and only recently did the Atlanteans in this sector find the beacon for the ship. The two Atlantean soldiers were here on reconnaisance, hoping to find out what caused the ship to go down, and whether or not the scientists piloting it were still alive.
“Any guess on what it was?” asked Greedo, the older and more experienced of the two, but only by a year.
“Not a clue,” Beebit replied without enthusiasm. Even through the radio link in his mask, Beebit’s boredom was apparent. “It’s probably just a malfunction. Nothing in this region is dangerous enough to damage an S-class vessel.”